Fall has come and gone

by - Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fall has been pretty quick to leave this year. I haven't had the time to take pictures of all the changing colours. Mrs Rain and Mr Wind have taken a vow to get all the leaves down even if they were not ready just yet.


This year has flown by at a tempo I wasn't ready to live, I can't believe that the Holidays are just around the corner and that the city is already putting up the decorations. I might go soon to have a look at how it's like in the evening.

Reminiscence of the year has started and I remember how I thought 2013 would be and how different it actually has been from what I wished or dreamt. I thought I'd be a mom; I thought all the building problems would be solved; I thought I'd be more organised and thrifty; I thought I'd go to the USA this year....

Even though those "wishes" didn't come true, I can say it was a good year, different, but good and that I have new goals for next year and I'll try my best to be a better person in all the things I'll be doing.

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